Lookout towers

Liberecká výšina Lookout Tower

The romantic observation tower with a restaurant resembling a medieval castle was built by Heinrich Liebieg.
Address:Wolkerova 251Liberec, 460 15GPS:50°46'41.8''N; 15°05'29.2''E[Map]

A castle that’s really not a castle at all

If the White Lady were to walk around somewhere in Liberec at night, it would be here. This mediaeval little castle on the edge of the forests of the Jizera has everything to set the scene. The castle moat with its bridge, a stone gate and a courtyard with a wishing well make for a truly romantic sight. Not to mention the 25-metre stone tower. 

Mediaeval from the beginning of the 20th century

Has that got you in a nice historical mood? We’re a bit ashamed to admit that by “mediaeval” here, we mean from the beginning of the 20th century, as the high ground was not built until 1900-1901, following plans drawn up by Nuremberg architects Josef Schmitz and Jakob Schmeissner. They are said to have been inspired by the Luginsland tower in the Nuremberg imperial castle. The construction work was funded by textile magnate Heinrich Liebieg and was initially called "Hohenhabsurg", later "Heinrich Liebiegwarte", and finally, from 1945, "Liberec Heights". In order to create a faithful illusion of age, the architects used masonry from demolished buildings in Nuremberg. This allegedly came from the renovation of St. Sebaldus Church and old roof tiles from historical houses. 

Liberec with a view

Come and enjoy some romance with the beautiful view from the tower and a bite to eat in the stylish restaurant. To get here, just follow the yellow footpath markers from Lidové sady park; it's only a kilometre walk up a gentle hill from Liberec Zoo. You can also get here by car, of course, and can park right next to the building.
Opening hours

Month from / toDay in the week from / toHours from / toSymptom
all months all the days of the week 10:30 - 22:00 open

Full entrance fee:40,00 CZK