The Ještěd Ridge encircles Liberec to the southwest, standing firm on the top of which, withstanding everything the weather can throw at it, is the Ještěd mountain hotel and TV transmitter at a height of 1012 m above sea level. However, nature has so much more to offer here. Quarries, rocks, caves, stones, virgin forest and even a waterfall.
Ještěd RidgeLiberec
GPSRuprechtice quarry is mined by Ligranit for one of the country’s most decorative fine stones - Liberec granite. This is particularly exceptional for its pinkish colour, which is due to its high content of potassium feldspar.
Ruprechtice quarryLiberec
GPSMalé Jezírko, schované v dolíku pod úrovní Masarykovy ulice, má zajímavou historii a opravdu pozoruhodné obyvatele.
Labutí jezírkoLiberec