The neo-Renaissance Liberec Town Hall building was constructed in 1893, and was designed by Viennese architect F. Neumann. It is famous for its close resemblance to Vienna City Hall. In 2023 the Town Hall was declared a national cultural heritage site.
Town Hall, LiberecLiberec
GPSThe stone lookout tower on the top of Resselův Vrch, situated to the north of Frýdlant, was built in 1907.
Frýdlant Lookout Tower on the top of Resselův VrchFrýdlant
GPSV přírodě, a v lese zvlášť, nejlépe poznáš, jaký opravdu jsi. Vezmi si hlídku na Stráži a zjisti, zda jsi: Bystrý jako liška…. Silný jako medvěd… Houževnatý jako ovce… Odvážný jako horník…
Hlídka na StrážiRokytnice nad Jizerou
GPSThe unique building on the summit of Ještěd has become the dominant landmark of Liberec and the region as a whole. The Ještěd Hotel and TV transmitter is a national cultural heritage site and was even chosen by architects as the Czech building of the 20th century!
Ještěd - TV transmitterLiberec
GPSYou can revel in the view of Liberec’s most beautiful district from the museum tower, which is a faithful replica of the tower of the original Liberec town hall, while its interior boasts the longest glass ladder in the world.
Tower of the North Bohemian MuseumLiberec
GPSThe romantic observation tower with a restaurant resembling a medieval castle was built by Heinrich Liebieg.
Liberecká výšina Lookout TowerLiberec
GPSThe originally wooden lookout tower has been stretching above the valley of Lučany since 1889.
Bramberk Lookout TowerLučany nad Nisou
GPSThe original wooden lookout tower Císařský kámen had to be dismantled because of the emergency but there is no reason for sadness. A new look-out tower, which is even 3 meters higher, reigns in its place. Because the wooden structure of the original building was not sufficient, the current lookout tower is steel and the wood will fulfill only a decorative function. Climb up the hill and look around the Císařský kámen!
Císařský kámen Lookout TowerRádlo
GPSIn the summer of 2012, a new, wooden lookout tower was constructed in the Frýdlant region, in the atypical shape of a dome-topped cylinder.
Heřmanice Lookout TowerHeřmanice
GPSThe stone lookout tower offers spectacular views of the Jizerské Hory.
Královka Lookout TowerJanov nad Nisou
GPSThe lookout tower in Nová Ves nad Nisou is a lookout tower combined with a telecommunication tower.
Nisanka Lookout TowerNová Ves nad Nisou
GPSThe lookout tower was built in 1932 on the Proseč ridge at an altitude of 586 m. The tower is built of massive granite blocks, measures 28 meters and leads to it 105 steps.
Proseč Lookout TowerJablonec nad Nisou
GPSLookout tower and restaurant Rašovka are very popular for tourists and families.
Lookout Tower RašovkaŠimonovice
GPSIn 1887, the branches of the German Mountain Association located in Jablonec, Janov and Horní Kamenice opened a lookout tower on one of the tops of Maxovský Hřeben.
Slovanka Lookout TowerJanov nad Nisou
GPSThe first lookout tower on the top of Smrk, the highest mountain of the Czech part of the Jizerské Hory 1124m, was built in 1892.
Lookout Tower on the top of SmrkNové Město pod Smrkem
GPSThe thin octagonal stone lookout tower, built in the neo-Gothic style, is called the Queen of the Jizerské Hory.
Štěpánka Lookout TowerKořenov
GPSTato nová 21metrová rozhledna s vyhlídkovou plošinou ve tvaru ptačího hnízda stojí v kopci nad Albrechticemi v Jizerských horách. Přístupná je celoročně a zdarma.
Rozhledna Světlý vrchAlbrechtice v Jizerských horách
GPSThe stone lookout tower built in 1909 is 18 m high. It offers panoramic views of the Jizerské Hory and the Czech and Polish Krkonoše.
Lookout Tower on the top of Tanvaldský ŠpičákTanvald
GPSThe German mountain club made the rock stack accessible in 1902 as they cut 70 steps into it and installed the railings. There is a rock look-out that allows almost circular view of the landscape. It also has its own legend.
Dragon’s Hill Lookout RockMníšek
GPSThis rock viewpoint is the remnant of a castle that was apparently built to guard the route from Liberec to Frýdlant. It can be found in the Liberec district of Kateřinky, high above the valley of the Černá Nisa River.
Horseman rock viewpointLiberec
GPSThe Stone Gate (Kamenná vrata) is an interesting natural formation on the Ještěd ridge, is part of the Ještěd Terraces Nature Trail, and lies just a kilometre away from the Výpřež car park.
Stone Gate rock viewpointSvětlá pod Ještědem
GPSThe rocky viewpoint towers over the steep sides of Černá Nisa valley in Liberec-Kateřinky. In 2004 the Jizersko-ještědský horský spolek (Jizera and Ještěd Mountain Club) completely renovated the view-point and since then they have held there their Midsummer Festival in June. However, the place is accessible throughout the year and offers a great view into the valley.
Martin’s Wall Lookout RockLiberec
GPSThe rock dominant feature of Ořešník, a part of the uplands of the Smědavská pahorkatina, rises above the municipality of Hejnice, 800 m above sea level.
Ořešník Lookout RockHejnice
GPSThe shaped rock lookout point is situated at the western side of Klínový Vrch, a short ridge between the valleys of the Hájený Potok and the Smědá River in the Jizerské Hory.
Paličník Lookout RockBílý Potok