
Subsidiary church of the Mother of God, U Obrázku

This contemporary Art Nouveau rotund building has become a dominant feature of not only Liberec, but also the entire region.

Events (1)

Address:Horská uliceLiberec, 460 14GPS:50°47'40.9''N; 15°04'27.8''E[Map]
GSM:+420 734 435 436Phone:+420 485 108 506E-mail:arcidekanstvi-lbc@seznam.czWeb:www.arcidekanstvi-lbc.cz

A number of legends relate to the origin of the chapel. They say that there used to be a spring of healing water where first a stone cross was raised and then a chapel was built in 1907. Its rich interior equipment is nowadays commemorated only by a valuable statue of Virgin Mary, which decorates the nave of the parish temple in Liberec-Rochlice. The chapel is accessed along a chestnut alley with Stations of the Cross.