The Depository won the first prize from the Club for Old Prague – it’s the best new building in a historical setting, built in the Czech Republic in 2013.
The DepositoryLiberec
GPSUnder the roof you will find a cafe, bakery, roasting of selected coffee and modern training facilities for professional baristas and enthusiasts from all over the Czech Republic.
DOK Nordbeans caféLiberec
GPSThis prefabricated house, designed by Karel Hubáček himself, is undoubtedly the most interesting example of individual housing dating from the late 1950s and early 60s.
Karel Hubáček HouseLiberec
GPSFunctionalist building with art-deco elements from 1928-1929 is the work of architect O. Baudisch. The original building of the commercial and administrative building with garages has served to the Research Institute of Textile Technology since the 1950s year. In 2017 an extensive reconstruction of the entire building took place, which is currently the seat of organizations dealing with European subsidies.
European HouseLiberec
GPSThis cultural centre with its library was established in 2021 and consists of the original historic building with a modern extension very close by. The two buildings are connected by bridges. The name IGI is taken from a famous native son of Vratislavice - Ignaz Ginzkey.
IGI VratislaviceLiberec - Vratislavice nad Nisou
GPSThe unique building on the summit of Ještěd has become the dominant landmark of Liberec and the region as a whole. The Ještěd Hotel and TV transmitter is a national cultural heritage site and was even chosen by architects as the Czech building of the 20th century!
Ještěd - TV transmitterLiberec
GPSThe building of the Regional Research Library was built under the patronage of the presidents of the Czech Republic, V. Havel, and Germany, R. Herzog, as The Reconciliation Building.
Liberec Regional Research LibraryLiberec
GPSNejvyšší budova ve městě byla stavěna v letech 1967-1976 podle projektu Zdeňka Plesníka jako sídlo Výzkumného ústavu textilní technologie a Státního výzkumného ústavu textilního. V současné době je sídlem Krajského úřadu Libereckého kraje.
Krajský úřad Libereckého krajeLiberec
GPSVRATISLAVICE 101010 Cultural Centre is a multifunctional space suitable for organizing cultural and corporate events. The cultural centre, which thanks to its date of commissioning is sometimes referred to as the folk name “The Ten”, has become the building of the Liberec Region for its original architecture.
VRATISLAVICE Cultural Centre 101010Liberec - Vratislavice nad Nisou
GPSThis unusual nursery school inspired by the work of Japanese architect Takaharu Tezuka was awarded Czech Republic Building of the Year in 2019.
Lísteček Nursery SchoolLiberec
GPSThe university has seven faculties and an expert Institute for Nanomaterials, Advanced Technologies and Innovation. It teaches some 7000 students and has a number of useful inventions to its name.
Technical University of LiberecLiberec