
Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (polyclinic-convent)

The Neo-Gothic single-nave church from 1894-1896 is now part of the polyclinic facility, located near the city centre.
Address:KlášterníLiberec, 460 05GPS:50°46'7.7''N; 15°03'59.6''E[Map]

The Neo-Gothic single-nave church was built in the years 1894-1896 by an architect from Liberec, Adolf Bürger, of his own design. The main altar with a statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, made in artistic workshops in Munich, decorates the interior. A school and convent were added to the premises in 1897-1898 but over the years the buildings changed owners and therefore the manner of their utilization. Nowadays, a polyclinic and pharmacy reside in the large complex of buildings.