
Church of the Divine Heart of the Lord (polyclinic and monastery)

The neo-Gothic church was originally built as a monastery church at the Ursuline Monastery in Liberec. Before 1995, the church was loaned to the Czech Orthodox Church for regular services as the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord.
Address:KlášterníLiberec, 460 05GPS:50°46'7.7''N; 15°03'59.6''E[Map]

History of the church

The church was built together with the Ursuline Monastery in 1896. The Ursuline nuns ran a nursery school here and also tutored elementary school students. After the original German residents were expelled after World War II, the Czech sisters of the order continued their activities until the dissolution of the monastery in 1950. After the war, the monastery building was, and still is, used as a clinic. The church served as a warehouse. Before 1995, the church was loaned to the Orthodox Church for 99 years to hold services, which, after the necessary renovation and refurbishment of the interior, still uses it under the name of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

Church full of icons, oil lamps and relics

The church owns a large collection of contemporary icons painted in various countries - in the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Russia, Greece, Bulgaria, etc. There are also numerous printed reproductions of famous and revered icons, which are mostly displayed in the main nave or in the chancel, as well as many oil lamps and a growing collection of holy relics.

The Transfiguration of the Lord

The Transfiguration of the Lord marks the event when Jesus led the apostles Peter, James and John up the mountain (tradition identifies it as the mountain of Tábor) where he was transfigured. His face turned dazzling white and Jesus conversed with Elijah and Moses. A voice calls out from a cloud, saying Jesus is the beloved Son.