
The Rabten Choedarling

The Rabten Choedarling Centre for Tibetan Buddhist Studies was established in Liberec in 2000 as a branch of the Institute for Higher Tibetan Studies.
Address:Kubelíkova 86/8Liberec, 460 07GPS:50°45'19.5''N; 15°01'42.8''E[Map]
Phone:+420 482 400

Centre for Tibetan Buddhist Studies

In 2000 His Eminence Gonsar Rinpoche visited the Czech Republic for the first time. During that occasion he established the Rabten Choedarling Centre for Tibetan Buddhist Studies in Liberec at the request of local people interested in Dharma. The building used by the Centre for its activities and for the general public was ceremonially opened and blessed on 24th April 2004 in Liberec.

The Rabten Šidelingka park

The Rabten Šidelingka park surrounding the Centre building was opened to the public in April 2013 and in September 2014 a ceremony was held to bless the 6.4-metre-high Stupa of Complete Victory, which commemorates some important events in Buddha’s life.

Stupa of Complete Victory

The Victory Stupa (Sanskrit Vijaya Stupa) is one of eight types of great stupas commemorating important events in Buddha’s life. Liberec’s Stupa of Complete Victory contains the relics of two great enlightened Masters, Shakyamuni Buddha himself and the Revered Geshe Rabten Rinpoche. The construction of the 6.4-metre-high Victory Stupa began with the opening rituals held in the garden of the Rabten Čhödarling Centre in the autumn of 2009 and was consecrated on 27 September 2014. The Stupa was built by members of the Centre, and Nepalese artists helped to decorate it.