Through Pojizeří up to the heart of the Jizerské Mountains
Address:LibereckoThrough Pojizeří up to the heart of the Jizerské Mountains
Length of the route: 144 kilometres
Ride time: approximately 3.25 hours
Some bikers say “where the road runs along the river, there is a good chance for a nice bike ride, there”. We will try to confirm that on this route. Then we will also look at the unique road leading through untouched nature in the heart of the Jizerské Mountains.
We will leave Liberec again through Vratislavice nad Nisou (point 1) on the No. 14 road towards Jablonec nad Nisou (point 2). At the large roundabout, turn right and follow the traffic signs towards
Prague. At the next roundabout, however, do not continue your ride towards Prague and ride further down the No. 287 road. It will take you through the Jablonec districts of Vrkoslavice and Kokonín to Maršovice (point 3). There, just before the roadside café, turn right to the No. 28719 road. You can expect a nice ride along the narrow and not very busy road through Malešice and Kopanina to Frýdštejn (point 4). There, at the large crossroads just at the restaurant in a beautifully reconstructed
building of former blacksmith workshop, turn left and follow the traffic signs towards Malá Skála. Before you leave Frýdštejn, you can ride up to the ruins of a 13th century castle and enjoy a beautiful view of the surrounding countryside.
Then there you can enjoy motard style ride through narrow curves on the road with great surface, which takes you downhill to Malá Skála (point 5). There you have an opportunity to bathe in Jizera River or to take short but pretty interesting foot trip to the ruins of rock castle Vranov, where you can enjoy view to the valley of Jizera River. Do not hesitate and turn left to the No. 10 road towards Železný Brod. And as we wrote before, where the road runs along the river, there is a good chance for a nice bike ride, you can expect there nice long stretched curves on the road with great surface.
In Železný Brod (point 6) not very far behind Cristal Hotel turn right towards Semily and take the very first turn left towards Bozkov just in front of the bridge. Continue your ride on the No. 288 road along Jizera River to Spálov. There cross over the bridge over Kamenice River and there you can turn right just to nice Spálov Hotel. There you can enjoy some refreshment or visit a beautiful Art Nouveau building of former hydroelectric powerplant with an open air exhibition of old turbines. This is, from the technical point of view, definitelly an interesting place, which is really worth a few minutes break and a visit. Continue your ride for further 5 kilometres on the No. 288 road to the T shaped intersection under Bozkov (point 7). If you are interested in Bozkov Dolomite Caves, then you can make a short detour to the left, otherwise turn right and follow the traffic signs towards Semily. Ride carefully through serpentines on a slightly broken surface of the No. 288 road up to the intersection with No. 289 road, where you turn right.
In Semily (point 8) – in addition to the pedestrian trip along breathtaking Rieger Trail through the Jizera River valley to the Spálov hydroelectric powerplant (trip takes ca 2 hours to get there and back) we can recommend to visit a museum not very far from Rieger’s Square. Spending some time in the town park Ostrov is also pleasant way of relax. When cruising the town, you will come to
the roundabout, from which you should continue your ride to the left and take the No. 292 road towards Vrchlabí. The route will lead you through nice curves along Jizera River, through Háje nad Jizerou, Dolní and Horní Sytová, till you will reach the T shaped intersection with No. 14 road (point 9). Then take the turn left and follow the traffic signs towards Harrachov. There are nice 20 kilometres of nice ride on so called Pojizerka Track through Jablonec nad Jizerou, around Rokytnice up to Na Mýtě intersection (point 10), where you take the No. 10 road. Turn right and follow the traffic signs towards Jablonec nad Nisou for approximately 7 kilometres, ride downhill through great curves from Kořenov to Desná and then seek white roadsign to the right turn to the skiing centre Ski
areál Černá Říčka (point 11). After riding past Černá Říčka Appartments turn left and follow the traffic signs towards Souš. Ride through narrow bends and after two kilometres you will reach the Souš Water Reservoir, a breathtaking artificial lake in the centre of large forests in the Jizerské Mountains.
Continue your ride on the No. 290 road through numerous turns and curves along the lake banks. Mind the reckless hikers and cyclists during the season there. Anyway, there is a great ride and almost untouched countryside ahead of you. You will find Smědava Mountain Hut after further 8 kilometres, which offers a nice chance to sit and to relax on the terrace in the middle of woods.
From Smědava you can continue your ride and climb down through serpentines to Bílý Potok (point 12), where you should try to find a turn behind the school building marked towards Jizerskohorské
Technical Museum, which is pretty unique by its collection of engines and definitely should be worth a visit for every true biker. Then you can continue your ride along the No. 290 road through Hejnice with beautiful Church of the Visit of Holy Virgin Mary to Raspenava (point 13). There take the turn left behind Zámeček Hotel and ride towards Liberec. Ride through Oldřichov v Hájích on the No. 2904 road to Mníšek (point 14), where you should turn right on the No. 13 road. That road will take you to
E442 expressway and after a further couple of kilometres you will safely enter Liberec from north.
- Soubor GPX pro GPS navigace [3 pojizerim.gpx | 384.46 KB | application/gpx+xml]
- Beschreibung Ausflug - DE [_001_052_Pruvodce_168x240_DE_010.pdf | 100.37 KB | application/pdf]
- Karte Ausflug - DE [_001_052_Pruvodce_168x240_DE_011.pdf | 17.05 MB | application/pdf]
- description of the tour - EN [_001_052_Pruvodce_168x240_AJ_010.pdf | 8.05 MB | application/pdf]
- map of the tour - EN [_001_052_Pruvodce_168x240_AJ_011.pdf | 9.36 MB | application/pdf]
- opis trasy - PL [_001_052_Pruvodce_168x240_PL_010.pdf | 8.05 MB | application/pdf]
- mapa trasy - PL [_001_052_Pruvodce_168x240_PL_011.pdf | 9.34 MB | application/pdf]