Museums and galleries

Technical Museum of Liberec

The Technical Museum exhibits historical cars, motorcycles, bikes and model cars, and also hosts a fascinating exhibition about the history of urban transport in the region.

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Address:Masarykova 5/424Liberec, 460 01GPS:50°46'25.9''N; 15°03'58.2''E[Map]

Check out the exhibits before you even enter the museum

You’re welcomed by a film star right by the entrance. And it’s a real beast! It’s the snowmobile from the popular comedy movie "Jak vytrhnout velrybě stoličku" (“How to Pull Out a Whale's Tooth”). Just a little further on you can admire a green thirty-ton fireless locomotive, which is interesting in that it has no firebox or chimney, as it was pressurized with steam from an external source. The neighbouring light blue seventeen-ton truck is a railcar mover that years ago moved wagons full of lignite at an open-pit mine near Görlitz, and in the distance you can see the Adolf siding locomotive, named after the owner of the sugar factory who bought it. That's some real heavy-duty beauty.

Pavilion A

Here, you can admire cars from all over the world dating from various periods throughout the entire 20th century. The exhibition also includes foreign and Czechoslovak pre-war and post-war motorcycles. Explore the history of bicycles, while this place is every boy's dream come true with its huge collection of several hundred model cars, motorbikes and all kinds of other technology.

Pavilion B

Pavilion B takes you through Liberec's textile past to its industrial modern age, and together with some major companies the museum has prepared a unique insight into local industry. The exhibition "Wings for Israel" reveals the unique stories of students of the Military Vocational School of Aviation Mechanics, and you'll find out why its graduates played an important role in the establishment of the state of Israel.

Pavilion C

This pavilion is dedicated to public transport and its history in the Liberec region, so it's a real treat for any bus and tram enthusiasts. It traces the development of public transport over the decades and features trams made in this country, Germany, and even Switzerland. On display throughout the entire pavilion there are some unique models of trams and buses, some of which were made as long ago as the first quarter of the last century.

Pavilion D

The Technical Museum's exclusive long-term exhibition boasts some luxury vintage cars from 1906 to 1987. You can admire the same types of cars owned by greats such as star of the silver screen Sophia Loren, the king of rock and roll Elvis Presley, and the British Queen Elizabeth II. Take a walk through this "kingdom of cars".
Opening hours

Month from / toDay in the week from / toHours from / toSymptom
all months Tu - Su 10:00 - 17:00 open

Full entrance fee:150,00 CZK
Family entrance fee:300,00 CZKMax. 2 adults and 3 children
Children's tickets:70,00 CZK for children up to 15 years
Student admission:70,00 CZK
Senior admission:70,00 CZK