
ČEZ Jizerská 50

TypeTopicCharacterSuitable for
Type:Competition, tournament Topic:Sport event,
zimní sporty
Character:NationalSuitable for:Active holiday
The mountains of the Czech Republic have not seen an event more famous than the Jizerská 50. This race offers a challenge for many, along with a great experience, enjoyment of sporting performance and also tradition.
When Where Admission
When   Start: (Thu)  6. February   
     End: (Sun)  9. February   
WhereStadion Bedřichov Admissionnot specified
More information here: jiz50.cz
Event location
Address:Bedřichov46812 BedřichovGPS:50°47'44.3''N; 15°08'38.3''E[Map]
Thursday, 6. 2. 2025
13:30 Volkswagen Bedřichovská 30 – 30 km free-style
13:50 ČSOB Jizerská 17 - 17 km free-style
18:00 Opening ceremony, a commemorative event for the climbers from the 1970 Peru expedition

Friday, 7. 2. 2025
9:00 Mini Jizerská Dr. Max
10:30  Pre-race press conference with elite participants (Zlatý lev, Liberec)
14:00 T-Mobile Jizerská firemní – relay 4× 3 km
17:15 ORLEN Sprint – 1,5 km - qualification (18:30 final)
20:00 ČEZ Energy fest Jablonec

Saturday, 8. 2. 2025
8:30 Jizerská 25 – 25 km classic style 
11:00 Martin Fuksa, Jiří Beran: Autograph session at OC Nisa Liberec (Intersport)
14:00 ČT Jizerská 10 – 10 km classic style
17:00 Mass - Sv. Antonín Church, Bedřichov
18:00 ČEZ Energy fest Liberec

Sunday, 9. 2. 2025
8:00 ČEZ Jizerská 50 – 50 km classic style (8:00 start ELITE women)
8:30 CEZ Jizerska 50 - start ELITE men + 1st wave
8:38 CEZ Jizerska 50 - start 2nd wave hobby racers, other waves start after 8 minutes
10:45 Ceremonial announcement of the ČEZ Jizerska 50

*schedule can be subject to change