Around the lakes of Lusatia
Address:– not available –Around the lakes of Lusatia
Length of the route: 154 kilometres
Ride time: approximately 3.5 hours
Getting cool in hot days or just relax on the shore, that’s what lakes can offer, which are not only few in Lusatia. We‘ll ride our bikes to three of them and it will be hell of ride of course. Let’s leave Zittau and take No. 99 road along the Polish border. The Marienthal Cistercian Monastery in Ostritz (point 1) is the first destination, which is in the distance of only 20 minutes ride from Zittau. It is the oldest continuously existing Cistercian convent on German soil and offers an unusually hospitable and pleasant atmosphere. Follow the No. 99 road from monastery towards Görlitz. Less than 9 kilometers, just after crossing the roundabout in Hagenwerder, we recommend going to and visiting
the 1452 bucket - wheel excavator (turning left and right at the roundabout), which has become an
interesting technical monument and the museum. Several kilometres from the bucket – wheel excavator along the No. 99 road you will pass Berzdorfer See, which is the first of the lakes mentioned above. There are many beaches and activities to enjoy, just choose and leave the No. 99 road to the left. We enjoy the most the beach and the marina named Blue Lagoon, which you can
reach by riding from the bucket – wheel excavator through the village of Tauchritz. Even the northern beach on the opposite side of the lake has its charm definitely; you can reach it very easily, it is only a few hundred meters from the junction of the No. 99 road a bit beyond the lake (point 2).
Görlitz, the nearest large town (point 3), offers another interesting oportunity for entertainment – you can look at the lake from the top of the hill. And you can look not only at the lake, of course. The look – out tower with the Landeskrone restaurant offers you such a view; you can find it in the south-western part of the town. Our ride will then continue around the airfield, where we exit No. 6 road and follow the roadsigns to Girbigsdorf (point 4). Then continue your ride straight ahead towards Königshain, ride past the Baroque chateau to the village centre and right behind the local government office building to Dorfstraße street. After about 1,700 metres we recommend to park your bike and take a short walk around the Rubelbruch pond, which is surrounded by rocks and offers view of fantastic natural scenery.
That narrow road we arrived in here continues through Thiemendorf to Nieder Seifersdorf (point 5), where we follow the main road to the right behind the church. This is the way that takes us through Baarsdorf and Jänkendorf to the next dam of Quitzdorf.
It is up to your decision which way you use to get to the largest dam in Saxony, there are really lots of possibilities. However, one of the crossings at the lower part of the lake where the water is on both sides or peninsulas in the vicinity of Wilhelminenthal can be recommended as great attractions. Then you can find beautiful beaches on the northwest side of the lake in the vicinity of Kollm-Nord. And if you are hungry, let’s come to one of the local restaurants where you will get melas made of fresh fish from a nearby fish farm. When you get enough of that water, return back to Nieder Seifersdorf (point 5), where you ride straight ahead until you reach the junction to the No. 4 expressway and follow the roadsigns towards Bautzen. It offers a quite fast dash for some 25 km without a speed limit and takes you to the outskirts of Bautzen (point 6); there is another dam of the same name on the right.
You can reach it, for example, by using No. 90 exit (Bautzen-Ost) and taking the No. 156 road on the left (in the direction of Niedergurig) and then, at the second crossroads, by turning left towards the camping site. Of course, there are much more options how to get to the lake, it is really large and the access roads approach it literally from all directions.
The centre of the historic town of Bautzen is really picturesque. When shopping there, do not miss the chance to buy local mustard. You can buy various flavors of mustard in specialized stores - from
traditional brown mustard to orange, herb or bilberry flavoured ones. And you can taste mustards of all the flavours before you decide to buy it. When leaving Bautzen, check out the roadsigns towards Zittau, the No. 96 road will take you from there, you can expect a less than an hour’s ride along the pretty fast road through Oppach (point 7), Ebersbach (point 8) and Oderwitz (point 9). We hope you have spent a nice part of the day at our lakes.
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