Lookout towers

Nisanka Lookout Tower

The lookout tower in Nová Ves nad Nisou is a lookout tower combined with a telecommunication tower.
Address:468 27 Nová Ves nad NisouGPS:50°43'51.4''N; 15°12'51.0''E[Map]
GSM:+420 721 367 171Web:www.rozhledna-nisanka.cz
It was erected during the 2005-6 period and opened to the public in the spring of 2007. The tower consists of a steel tube coiled with a staircase, completed with a cylindrical structure that surrounds the tower in its groundfloor section.

Access: from the bus stop, along the red trail directed to Jablonec nad Nisou and then along the green trail marked to the source of the Nisa River (10-minute walk). Alternatively, you can approach the source of the Nisa by bike.
Opening hours
V případě nepříznivého počasí je rozhledna uzavřena.

Pro skupiny od 20 osob je možno dohodnout návštěvu na telefonním čísle + 420 721 367 171 nebo na obecním úřadě.

V zimních měsících je z bezpečnostních důvodů rozhledna uzavřena.
Full entrance fee:25,00 CZK