Krajský úřad Libereckého kraje
Nejvyšší budova ve městě byla stavěna v letech 1967-1976 podle projektu Zdeňka Plesníka jako sídlo Výzkumného ústavu textilní technologie a Státního výzkumného ústavu textilního. V současné době je sídlem Krajského úřadu Libereckého kraje.
Events (1)
- 2. 9.– 26. 9.Srdeční záležitosti 2024 - 5. ročník(Exhibition)
An unusual building
At a height of 78 m, Liberec's "skyscraper" has been ranked 15th in the list of TOP high buildings in the Czech Republic. The architect, Z. Plesník, succeeded in creating the interesting illusion of the structure having twice the number of floors by dividing each floor in half with a cornice. Builders will be interested to hear that it was built using the unique "Lift Slab" raised ceiling technique, an experiment that was way ahead of its time (1967-1974).
It goes without saying that you don’t have to haul yourself up 21 flights of stairs without any help. In addition to the modern lift, there’s also a unique feat of engineering here – a paternoster almost 60 metres high, with 16 stops and 35 cabins, making it the highest in the Czech Republic and outdoing most others in Europe. And, let's be precise here, according to the regulations, these chain cabins aren't classed as a lift, but a hoist. They're said to have been named after the first two words of the Lord's Prayer in Latin, the rosary beads of which vaguely resemble the mechanism of the Paternoster.
Viewing terrace
The viewing terrace, which is open to the public in summer, offers a bird’s-eye view of the city.