Other Sports

FotbalPark Liberec - footballfolg pitch

FotbalPark Liberec can be found directly in the Vesec Sports Facility in Liberec. The opening ceremony held on 28 April and the park is open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Complete facilities, locker rooms, showers, snack or a terrace with a café can be found right next to the main car park on adress Dlouhá 392, Liberec-Vesec.
Address:K Sportovnímu areáluLiberec, 463 12GPS:50°43'31.2''N; 15°04'4.8''E[Map]
GSM:+420 770 160 000E-mail:info@fotbalparkliberec.czWeb:www.fotbalparkliberec.cz

Footgolf is a precision sport, in which players kick a soccer ball into a hole in as few shots as possible.

There is a 18-hole course at Vesec Sports Facility with a distance from 25 to 200 meters.

More information is available at www.fotbalparkliberec.cz.

Sport Cenre Specification:
Sports Ground
Services and facilities:
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