Kategorie | ||
Adrenalin sports | Inline Skates | Horse riding |
Bowling | Aerial sports | Climbing |
Sport centers | Other kind of sports |
Sportoviště přibližuje beachvolejbal široké veřejnosti, především dětem a umožňuje hrát beachvolejbal po celou sezonu.
Beach club Harcov-LiberecLiberec
GPSFotbalPark Liberec can be found directly in the Vesec Sports Facility in Liberec. The opening ceremony held on 28 April and the park is open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Complete facilities, locker rooms, showers, snack or a terrace with a café can be found right next to the main car park on adress Dlouhá 392, Liberec-Vesec.
FotbalPark Liberec - footballfolg pitchLiberec
GPSThere are 42 trampolines on 1700 m2 and 8 other attractions such as Ninja Warrior Journey. HOP Arena can be found in the Severka Shopping Center, where you can park for free.
HOP LiberecLiberec
GPSThe relaxation sports course, situated in the Sport Park Liberec, provides a suitable surface for in-line skating .
In-line Skating - Sport Park LiberecLiberec
GPSThe multifunctional free-time area in Liberec - Růžodol offers a line for in-line skating, horse riding and a children´s playground.
Multifunkční volnočasové centrum Liberec - RůžodolLiberec
GPSSportovní klub BEACH VOLLEY VRATISLAVICE o.s. je klub pro mládež, amatéry a veřejnost se zájmem o sport.
Beach Volley VratislaviceLiberec - Vratislavice
GPSTwo modern table tennis tables are available in the Sport Park Liberec.
Table tennis - Sport Park LiberecLiberec
GPS2 tennis courts with a high quality of surface are available in the indoor sports hall in the Sport Park Liberec.
Tennis indoor - Sport Park LiberecLiberec
GPSThe outdoor area offers 3 courts with clay surface suitable for tennis, foot volleyball, volleyball and beach volleyball.
Tennis outdoor, beach volleyball - Sport Park LiberecLiberec