Travelling criss – cross for lookouts
Address:SaskoTravelling criss – cross for lookouts
Length of the route: 77 kilometres
Ride time: approximately 1.5 hours
What about having a look at the eastern part of Saxony from a height? This route gives you good chance of such views and adds even a nice ride and a few attractions as a bonus.
Our journey starts at the No. 96 road leading from Zittau to the northwest towards Oderwitz (point 1). Take the right turn to the Ruppersdorfer Straße at the great crossroads in the centre of the village; the road will take you to the outskirts of the village of Ninive (point 2) after less than 2 kilometres. Turn left at the T - shaped junction, ride over the bridge above the main road, and on the main turn left again onto the Obercunnersdorfer Straße. A short blundering along the narrow streets will take you to Obercunnersdorf (point 3).
If the day is really hot, then we recommend visiting fantastic local swimming pool, there is also a local rarity in the form of 250 listed half - timbered houses of unique construction worth a visit. If architectural rarities are not your hobby, take the No. S143 road and turn right (follow the roadsigns
towards Rosenbach) just after entering the village. A fast road with a number of slight turns and bends will take you to Bischdorf (point 4). Take the right turn to the main road at the crossroads and then, in the next village of Oberbischdorf, turn left towards Sohland am Rotstein (point 5). A very popular road will then take you to the junction with the No. 6 road (point 6); there turn left towards
Löbau (beware of the speed monitoring sections of the road).
In Löbau (point 7), turn left behind Penny supermarket and follow the signs to the Berggasthof Honigbrunnen. By riding steep uphill, where access is controlled by traffic lights, you can reach the coaching inn, next to which is the unique look - out tower where you can find the promised lookouts. Why is the look - out tower so unique? The Tower of King Fridrich Augustus is assembled from a thousand of filigree cast - iron parts. And the view is really fascinating, especially if you take in account that the building was constructed in 1854. It is also the highest cast - iron tower in Europe with its 28 metres. Thanks to its location on the 448 metres high Löbauer Berg hill the look - out tower offers great views; interesting is the view of the transmitter tower standing on the neighboring
Schafberg hill. It is visible from Ještěd in good weather and the entire region of Lusatia opens in front of your eyes. Once you enjoy enough views and beautiful look - out tower, or have a meal in the nearby restaurant, you can ride downhill and return to Löbau. The Town Hall and the Church of St.
Nicolas as well as the functionalist house of family Schminke are worth a visit. However, it is time to get back, mount your motorcycle and set off along the No. 178 road and follow the roadsigns towards Zittau. Nice road will attract you to pull the gas and ride fast, but we will make you to stop
once more. We recommend having a break and stop in the small town of Herrnhut (point 8). This is the place where famous and world unique Herrnhut stars are produced.
Christmas decorations, originally created as a tool for school teaching, have become very popular not only in Germany, but all over the world, and the Moravian Brothers Manufactory produces over 200 thousand of them annually. You can not only buy those stars in Herrnhut (do not worry, they are dismantled, so you can transport them without any threat of damage), but also learn their history and the process of their manufacturing in the front part of the factory. Then you will just ride through a few straight stretches of the road and through a few curves from Herrnhut back to
Zittau, where you will come on the No. 178 road from the north.
- Soubor GPX pro GPS navigace [Trasa 9 GPX.gpx | 138.05 KB | application/gpx+xml]
- Beschreibung Ausflug - DE [_001_052_Pruvodce_168x240_DE_046.pdf | 8.92 MB | application/pdf]
- Karte Ausflug - DE [_001_052_Pruvodce_168x240_DE_047.pdf | 22.94 MB | application/pdf]
- description of the tour - EN [_001_052_Pruvodce_168x240_AJ_046.pdf | 8.91 MB | application/pdf]
- map of the tour - EN [_001_052_Pruvodce_168x240_AJ_047.pdf | 22.93 MB | application/pdf]