Magic of the Jizerské Mountains
Address:LibereckoMagic of the Jizerské Mountains
Length of the route: 126 kilometres
Ride time: approximately 3 hours
We will start at the northwest edge of Liberec area, at the intersection next to the former Tesla factory, which bears the name of Lites, today. From there we ride through Kateřinská Street along Černá Nisa River and right from the beginning it is a quite good portion of curves and turns. Ride through entire Kateřinky district and continue on banks of Rudolfov Water Reservoir uphill to the top, where you can find Česká Chalupa restaurant; then turn left and ride towards Bedřichov (point 1). There ride along and past the central car park and continue to U Smutných Pension House, then follow the traffic signs straight towards Josefův Důl (main road bends right). This stretch of the road is rather broken, but it will soon improve, you will see. Ride further through Hrabětice (point 2) to Karlov, where you can find a marked crossroads in the middle of the woods – take the right turn to the side road slightly uphill.
Surface quality slightly improves soon, but still it will remain a narrow road. It will take you downhill to Horní Maxov and then to Lučany nad Nisou (point 3), where you should turn left and follow the traffic signs towards Tanvald. From there, continue further downhill along Smržovský Creek to the No. 14 road which you will find at the beginning of Smržovka at the railway crossing. Turn left and ride towards Tanvald (point 4). There, at the first roundabout take the turn to the left on the No. 10 road towards Harrachov. Take that road up to the upper part of Desná (point 5) where you should not miss the white sign towards Souš (to the left). Do not continue your ride to the left towards Souš but turn to the right near the Černá Říčka Apartments and ride towards Kořenov. After 2 kilometres you will arrive at the intersection in Horní Polubné (point 6), where you should turn left and follow the white roadsign towards Jizerka. The road really ends at the beginning of Jizerka but you should not be afraid of the dead-end street roadsign. Even so, we strongly recommend you to go there. You rarely come across such a beautiful outlying place with traditional architecture in the middle of nature in Bohemia.
When you get enough of the beauty, take the same road back to Horní Polubný and continue your ride straight to Kořenov. There, at the Tesařovská Chapel (point 7) take again the No. 10 main road and turn right. After a few metres turn left at the roadside café and continue your ride towards Vysoké nad Jizerou. The first village is Příchovice, where lovers of humor will be delighted by the oportunity to visit the Jára Cimrman Museum. Continue your ride along the pleasant No. 290 road through Rejdice, Sklenařice to Vysoké nad Jizerou (point 8). Amazing views on both sides, towards Ještěd and the Giant Mountains, will open gradually kilometre by kilometre in front of you. You can enjoy even wider view, you shold not miss the chance to climb up the look-out tower U Borovice behind Vysoký, just before it turn right to the No. 289 road towards Semily.
Continue your ride along the No. 289 road from the look-out tower downhill towards Semily. Believe us, this stretch of the road will offer a lot of fun to you. In Semily (point 9), ride straight through the roundabout and after crossing the river take the right turn and follow the traffic signs towards Železný Brod. The next stretch of the road ahead of you is full of curves, it is a bit faster this time. During your trip you can visit and enjoy the Krkavčí skála look-out place (for further details see Route 5 Through the beautiful places of Bohemian Paradise). At the beginning of Železný Brod (point 10) turn left and ride downhill to take the No. 282 road towards Koberovy. Numerous turns, bends, curves and it's not yet the end of the route. Turn right in Koberovy (point 11) and follow the traffic signs towards Malá Skála. There is a slightly worse surface on this stretch of the road, but it is worth to withstand for a while. Once again follow the traffic signs to Malá Skála (point 11) and you are already on the No. 10 main road. Keep right towards Železný Brod.
You can enjoy the luxurious first-class road surface on only 800 metres, then turn left at the pizzeria and follow the signs towards Sněhov. Do not take the turn to the rock Pantheon and ride through sharp curves with great asphalt surface through Sněhov and reach the T shaped intersection. Turn right towards Jablonec nad Nisou. In Malešice, which is the first village to go through, turn left and follow the roadsigns towards Rychnov u Jablonce (point 12). You will have to ride a bit on a bad asphalt surface, but it will change very soon. Ride through Rychnov u Jablonce and follow the No. 65 road towards Jablonec nad Nisou. Do not ride too fast, you will have to turn left towards Rádlo after less than three kilometres and then to the right towards Milíře (point 13).
Leave Milíře and turn right to the next of a series of narrow tangled serpentines to Vratislavice nad Nisou, which is already the outskirts of Liberec. You can enjoy one non-alcoholic beer at Konrád local brewery as a reward, and then you can continue your ride to the town centre. Do not your arms and hands hurt?
Link to the Road on Google Maps.
- Soubor GPX pro GPS navigace [8 kouzlo jizerskych hor.gpx | 355.25 KB | application/gpx+xml]
- Beschreibung Ausflug - DE [_001_052_Pruvodce_168x240_DE_020.pdf | 96.61 KB | application/pdf]
- Karte Ausflug - DE [_001_052_Pruvodce_168x240_DE_021.pdf | 25.04 MB | application/pdf]
- description of the tour - EN [_001_052_Pruvodce_168x240_AJ_020.pdf | 89.55 KB | application/pdf]
- map of the tour - EN [_001_052_Pruvodce_168x240_AJ_021.pdf | 25.04 MB | application/pdf]
- opis trasy - PL [_001_052_Pruvodce_168x240_PL_020.pdf | 6.56 MB | application/pdf]
- mapa trasy - PL [_001_052_Pruvodce_168x240_PL_021.pdf | 18.54 MB | application/pdf]