Caves of Pekelné doly and Bezděz
Address:LibereckoCaves of Pekelné doly and Bezděz
Length of the route: 163 kilometres
Ride time: approximately 3.25 hours
Even Belzebub, the Lord of the Hell himself, has laid part of his kingdom in our country. Bikers have been meeting there for long years. Well, we are not just going back and forth, we're going to enjoy a ride.
There is a fast ride at the beginning of this route. We will take E442 expressway to leave Liberec and to ride towards Děčín. After riding approximately 28 kilometres from Liberec, after cruising through
Rynoltice and parts of Jablonné v Podještědí exit E442 expressway and turn left, then follow the traffic signs towards Kunratice (point 1). Turn left from Kunratice and take the narrow road through Lindava to Svitavy (point 2). Continue your ride on the same narrow road towards Velenice (route with cycling signs could be of some help), then ride past a lonely farmhouse and find a sign marked turn (to Pekelné doly) uphill to the left and then to the rocks. The road is rather crazy, but we hope you will forgive us when youreach the goal. Pekelné doly (point 3) is a bikers’ pub hidden in caves, and you can even ride your bike to get inside. Believe us, that is a unique experience. Continue your ride from Pekelné doly caves to the left along the broken narrow road through Velenice to Zákupy (point 4), where you will finally enjoy a normal road again. That is the No. 268 road which is to
take you to the left towards Česká Lípa. Ride past Zákupy castle, through the square and approximately 500 meters behind it you will find the main road. Ride straight ahead. The roadsigns are unfortunately missing there, but it could be of certain help there is a bus and train stop well visible after a few dozen meters on the right. After riding past them, turn right and follow the traffic signs towards Jestřebí. Ride past Božíkov and then follow the narrow but nice road to Srní u České Lípy (point 5). Turn left there and ride towards Dubá. It is a beautiful ride from behind to the village of Provodín, where among other things you can find another bikers’ pub.
Continue your ride from Provodín further to Jestřebí (point 6), there cross the No. 38 main road towards Česká Lípa and follow the traffic signs along the No. 9 road to Dubá (point 7). It is a fast and beautiful road that will take you to Dubá in a moment to the petrol station, where you can continue your ride straight to the town centre. It is certainly worth a visit if you are interested in history. In Dubá, ride past the post office and not very far behind it find a turn to the left with roadsigns to the No. 259 road and towards Kokořín. Then after 300 meters exit this road, turn left and follow the traffic signs towards Ždírec. You are riding through a long alley of trees to the part of Nedamov,
where you can enjoy one of the best open-air bathing around there at the town caravan site.
At the caravan site take the main road to the right towards Ždírec. From there you can enjoy an absolutely amazing ride along a beautiful road through Ždírec, Týn and Luka (point 8). When leaving them behind you will find the No. 273 road, take this road to the left to Okna village (follow roadsigns towards Doksy) and further to Obora, where you will meet again the No. 38 main road. Take that road and turn left towards Mladá Boleslav. There is a left turn to Bezděz Castle after about 4.5 kilometres. The walk to the castle from the village of the same name below is only about one kilometre long.
If you do not decide to visit the castle, continue your ride straight along the No. 38 road until you reach very distinct roadsign on the turn towards Bělá pod Bezdězem (point 9). Ride through the historic town, stop at the castle and continue your ride on the No. 276 road. Take a beautiful
ride along Bělá River to Malá Bělá (point 10), where you will find the left turn to Nová Ves. Ride through Nová Ves and enjoy the stretch of the road through Branka to Ptýrovec (point 11). Take the main road to the right towards Mnichovo Hradiště, but then immediately turn left to Klášterské
Hradiště. Take the road through outer part of that municipality and as soon as you seem to be outside again (there is a meadow on the right and a slope on the left), you will find a sharp turn to the left towards Strážiště. It will take you to the centre of Hradiště - the brewery and restaurant carved in the rock are worth a visit. Take the No. 26817 quite narrow road to Jivina, Neveklovice, Strážiště and Vápno to Vystrkov (point 12), where at the beginning of the village turn left and follow the traffic signs towards Osečná (point 13), which is not in a long distance from there. And it is time to stop bothering you with narrow roads, continue your ride and ride past St. Witus church straight towards Křižany along a nice wider road, which will take you through some nice and enjoyable
turns. Take the right turn towards Liberec in Křižany (point 14) and continue your ride through the
crossing towards the Semering Guesthouse. There, at the guesthouse, turn left again towards
Liberec. Last bonus of this route, the famous bends and curves up to Ještěd and then a subsequent
descent through mountain pass to Liberec, are waiting straight ahead of you. If you follow the tram tracks or roadsigns, you can easily come to the town centre.
- Soubor GPX pro GPS navigace [7 pekelne doly.gpx | 318.14 KB | application/gpx+xml]
- Beschreibung Ausflug - DE [_001_052_Pruvodce_168x240_DE_018.pdf | 99.92 KB | application/pdf]
- Karte Ausflug - DE [_001_052_Pruvodce_168x240_DE_019.pdf | 25.01 MB | application/pdf]
- description of the tour - EN [_001_052_Pruvodce_168x240_AJ_018.pdf | 2.94 MB | application/pdf]
- map of the tour - EN [_001_052_Pruvodce_168x240_AJ_019.pdf | 25.01 MB | application/pdf]
- opis trasy - PL [_001_052_Pruvodce_168x240_PL_018.pdf | 6.38 MB | application/pdf]
- mapa trasy - PL [_001_052_Pruvodce_168x240_PL_019.pdf | 18.68 MB | application/pdf]