Through Mohelka River valley
Through Mohelka River valley, to Ralsko and through Podještědí region to the summit (of Ještěd)
Length of the route: 122 kilometres
Ride time: approximately 2.5 hours
Leave Liberec on the speedway (R35) towards Prague but do not worry, you will not ride that way for a long time. Leave R35 by taking Exit No. 35 and slip to Hodkovice nad Mohelkou (point 1). There follow the traffic signs towards Český Dub and take the No. 278 road through Vlčetín. A fast, clear road with a good number of great turns and excellent surface is a nice start to this route. Český Dub (point 2) is one of the oldest municipalities in the Liberec region and besides several preserved monuments, the Museum of Podještědí with a separate exhibition in the premises of the Johannite monastery is definitely worth a visit. Follow the traffic signs on the No. 277 road from Český Dub to Mnichovo Hradiště. A bit narrower asphalt road with great surface goes to this town along the water, which is a guarantee of a great ride on its own. If you do not want to bathe in Jizera River above the weir just before entering Mnichovo Hradiště (point 3) or to visit beautiful castle there, then you can just after entering Mnichovo Hradiště take the right turn to Klášterské Hradiště (exit the one way road to the right to Klášterská street, the No. 26815 road). After riding through Klášterské Hradiště, you will find the No. 268 main road (point 4) and follow it to turn right in the direction of Mimoň. There is a 22 km long ride ahead along an almost straight road to Mimoň (point 5), hillocks of the Ralsko Hilly Area will fascinate you as if rising from nowhere on your ride. When passing through Mimoň, at the roundabout in Mimoň continue your ride on No. 270 road and follow the traffic signs towards Liberec.
There is a 6 km long dash to the crossroads (point 6) ahead of you, follow the traffic sign and turn right towards Stráž pod Ralskem. You can only ride along No. 278 road to pass Stráž pod Ralskem, but we suggest to exit No. 278 road to the right after another 3 km ride, to pass through Stráž pod Ralskem just to the other side of Horecký Pond, where you can find a great place to sit under the trees and to relax and a pleasant place with a view to wakeboard lift. Then take the same way out of Stráž pod Ralskem and continue your ride on the No. 278 road. Further 10 km of pleasant ride are ahead of you through the beautiful landscape of pines, lakes and ponds. Drive through Hamr na Jezeře, which is popular amongst tourists for great spots for bathing to Osečná (point 7). There is the peaceful area of Kundratice Spa worth a visit, which is one of the oldest Czech spa, as well as the late Gothic to Renaissance Church of St. Vitus in the main square. Continue your ride from the crossroads in Osečná straight along the No. 278 road towards Český Dub. If you want to take a break from riding and to have a rest for a while or to have a short walk, then stop after passing through Kotel village at the turn towards Smržov. From that place it is only about 600 meters of easy walking along the blue tourist trail through the forest to the legendary cobbled basalt crest called the Devil‘s Wall. After returning to and mounting your bike you can ride 3 km further to Český Dub to its part Starý Dub (point 8), where you can find turn towards Světlá pod Ještědem (point 9) just after entering that town part. You should expect a bit worse road for a while, but after a few miles you find yourself on the No. 2784 road (point 10), which you should ride straight ahead and follow the traffic signs towards Liberec. And there the biking paradise begins again. First, expect a few long straight stretches of the road and stretched turns, and then the legendary sharp turns come in the direction of Ještěd. As soon as you reach the mountain pass called Výpřež (point 11), you can ride straight downhill to Liberec or turn right and climb up to the summit of Ještěd, where you can find a paid parking lot. We definitely recommend you the view from this place, as well as the tour of the unique building designed by the architect Karel Hubáček. By riding downhill from Ještěd you will reach Horní Hanychov in Liberec, where you can safely reach the town centre by following tram rails.
- Soubor GPX pro GPS navigace [1 udolim mohelky.gpx | 228.8 KB | application/gpx+xml]
- Beschreibung Ausflug - DE [_001_052_Pruvodce_168x240_DE_006.pdf | 3.3 MB | application/pdf]
- Karte Ausflug - DE [_001_052_Pruvodce_168x240_DE_007.pdf | 17.93 MB | application/pdf]
- description of the tour - EN [_001_052_Pruvodce_168x240_AJ_006.pdf | 5.92 MB | application/pdf]
- map of the tour - EN [_001_052_Pruvodce_168x240_AJ_007.pdf | 12.12 MB | application/pdf]
- opis trasy - PL [_001_052_Pruvodce_168x240_PL_006.pdf | 5.9 MB | application/pdf]
- mapa trasy - PL [_001_052_Pruvodce_168x240_PL_007.pdf | 12.1 MB | application/pdf]