Clubs and Discos

Bunkr Rock Club

The oldest music club in Liberec, focused mainly on rock music.

Events (2)

Address:Tržní náměstí 1385/8Liberec, 460 01GPS:50°46'26.9''N; 15°03'37.6''E[Map]
GSM:+774 577 504 +420 724 248

Entertainment in an atomic fallout shelter

The Bunker Rock Club is Liberec's oldest multi-genre club, rooted in rock. It is the successor of the former Golet and Casta clubs. It’s located just a short walk from the Town Hall, in the former atomic shelter where the first club was opened in 1991. During the course of its rich history, it’s welcomed thousands of fans of great music and dozens of bands from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and abroad. The air-conditioned club, which has space for around 500 people, is open from September to June. 

Opening hours

Month from / toDay in the week from / toHours from / toSymptom
all months Fr - Sa 20:00 - 3:00 open